Herald, Apostle, and Teacher

Herald, Apostle, and Teacher

“This will be the third time I am coming to you.
By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word
shall be established”
– 2 Corinthians 13:1 –

In 2 Corinthians 13, we find the apostle Paul’s final words of advice to the church in Corinth.

  1. Paul promised to be tough with everyone (vv. 2, 10).
  2. Christ was crucified, but He is risen and lives by the power of God (vv. 3, 4).
  3. Our faith requires constant personal evaluation to know whether we, in fact, abide in Christ (v. 5).
  4. The truth will remain in spite of its opponents (v. 8).
  5. We must pray and work for the spiritual growth of our brethren in the faith (vv. 9, 10).
  6. It is the duty of every child of God to love good and seek the good of all people (v. 11).
  7. God’s presence with us is the only way to live in peace with each other (v. 11).

As Paul did, we must always work for the growth of the church, constantly seeking to help our neighbors grow, all for the honor and glory of God. To achieve this goal, the apostle had the vision and passion of a prophet, the mind of a scholar, the heart of an evangelist, the discipline of a soldier, the devotion of a friend, and the fervor of a reformer.

Paul, a preacher, apostle, and teacher of the Gentiles, introduced himself with the titles of

  • herald, because his obligation was to proclaim the commands of the One he represented; 
  • apostle, because he had been called, established, and sent by God; and
  • teacher, because he had to teach those for whom he had been appointed.

The apostle understood and lived the commission of making disciples, always seeking to fulfill that divine purpose. Paul was not a solitary evangelist, but the commander of a large and growing circle of missionaries; thus, he worked in the church and for the church.

Paul also understood that not only he as an apostle, but all apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers are custodians of the gifts that God gave to the church, sent for the purpose of equipping, training, and disciplining believers for the growth of the church and the fulfillment of the mission.

“Have you so deep an appreciation of the sacrifice made on Calvary
that you are willing to make every other interest
subordinate to the work of saving souls?
The same intensity of desire to save sinners
that marked the life of the Saviour marks the life
of His true follower. The Christian has no desire
to live for self. He delights to consecrate all that he has
and is to the Master’s service. He is moved by an inexpressible desire
to win souls to Christ”
(Maranatha,p. 100).

God bless you…