The Power of Love

The Power of Love

“For I want you to know what a great conflict
I have for you and those in Laodicea,
and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh”
– Colossians 2:1 –

The apostle Paul gave a serious warning in Colossinans 2: Beware lest someone deceive you with false and persuasive arguments from false teachers. What deceptions would these be? The deceptions that lead people to live a Christianity that is far from what Christ taught.

Jesus Christ had to be the pattern for the Colossians to walk in. He was the root from which they were to take sap and nutrition. He was the living Rock, the firm Foundation on which both Jews and Gentiles built. Why was Christ all that? Because He was fully God, according to Colossians 2:9.

Because He is who He is, Christ gives us life. He forgives our sins because He paid our debts of sin.

In verses 16 to 18, Paul returned to the false teachers and warned the brethren of Colosse: Do not allow false teachers to take you back to Jewish ceremonies. These ceremonies, which included food, drink, and feasts, were now a shadow of the fullness of what Christ had accomplished with His death on our behalf.

Paul said that there was no sense in returning to the rudiments of Judaism because the death of Christ had eleminated all ceremonial things. What was left were the moral commandments. In addition to the ceremonial commands, nothing would help in our fight against the inclinations of the flesh, our sinful nature.

When we live in Christ, our focus is not living ceremonies. Life in Christ leads us to live what is essential: love for God and love for people.

It is said that Napoleon was looking out to sea while captive on St. Helena, where he died in 1821. There he told his faithful collaborator, General Bertrand, “Jesus Christ is not a man. His birth, the story of His life, all this is a wonder, an inexplicable mystery. Alexander, Ceaser, Charlemagne, and I founded empires based on strength and power. Only Jesus Christ founded an empire based on love, and millions of people would be willing to give their lives for it.”

Napoleon was right, While others were moved by the love of power,
Jesus Christ was moved by the power of love.
Only Christ can make a conquest in such a way.
What moved your life, love of power or the power of love?

May the Lord fill you with the power of His love, today…