Standing Firm in Love

Standing Firm in Love

“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.
Let all that you do be done with love”
– 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 –

Philosophical trends, environmental influences, distorted doctrine, and seductive temptations threatened healthy growth for the church in Corinth. Paul had learned how to maintain balance and wanted to help the church do the same.

Therefore, he has four points of counsel, and in all of them he has placed the verb in the imperative form, to make them stronger.

  1. Watch, like a sentinel at their post, always alert, always on guard against a dangerous enemy. ” ‘Watch and pray,’ is an injuction often repeated in the Scriptures. in the lives of those who obey this injuction there will be an undercurrent of happiness that will bless all with whom they are brought in contact” (Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 293).
  2. Stand fast in the faith in everything means to grow, mature in faith, distinguish between good and evil, stand up to false doctrines and false teachers, have conviction to defend the truth, and always cling to the Word. “Then daily let us keep our eyes fixed upon Christ, the perfection of human character, and laying hold of His divinity we shall have the strength of divinity to aid us in overcoming every evil tendency and desire” (Sons and Daughters of God, p. 365).
  3. Be brave: The emphasis is on behavior that is adult, mature, stable, and strong; not like a child or someone new to the faith. ” ‘Be strong, and quit yourselves like men.’ Ask of Him who suffered reproach, insult, and mockery for your sakes: “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” (Testimonies to the Church, vol. 5, p. 584).
  4. Be strong: It does not refer to the development of the body or muscles. What is needed is not a superman or a Samson, but people of valor, of fierce conviction to stand firm even when rowing upstream.

Beyond all of this, it is love which will make it possible to accept these imperatives. Supreme love toward God and disinterested love toward others will destroy all disputes, fights, pride, and other related evils.

Martin Luther stated, full of confidence,
“I know not the way God leads me,
but well do I know my Guide.”

It is following our Guide, watching, praying, and taking refuge
in His Word that we strengthen our faith
and walk steadfast in the Lord’s love.

May you have a blessed day, filled with love…