Do Everything He Says

“Paul departed from Athens and went to Corinth. And he found
a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, who had recently come
from Italy with his wife Priscilla”
(Acts 18:1-2).

Julian and Martha were married for sixty-eight years, always serving the Lord and the church together. Martha was the Community Services leader, and Julian was the head deacon and an evangelist preacher. When they had been married for fifty-six years, julian fell off a ladder while painting the church and suffered a ruptured spleen with abdominal bleeding. The situation was serious. His life was in danger. He was rushed to the hospital. The surgeon needed to do a CT scan, but the equipment had not been working for two weeks. However, such a scan was indispensable to confirm the diagnosis and remedy it.

During this time, Martha, the family, and the church were praying for Julian. God always manifests Himself when His children pray. Before the astonished hospital staff, the CT scanner worked for that one patient. Julian had surgery, his life was saved, and he continued serving the Lord alongside Martha until he rested on His promises. The complete surrender and total commitment of this faithful marriage dedicated to the Lord is exemplary.

In Acts 18 we find another marriage entirely surrendered to the cause of the gospel. Aquila and Priscilla met Paul on his second missionary journey. They had been expelled from Rome by a decree of Emperor Claudius against the Jews. In corinth, they started making tents for a living. They helped Paul in the work of making up tents, so that he would earn his livelihood; and he helped them in their spiritual and missionary lives. They offered their home in Corinth and, years later, in Rome, as a base for the church to grow. They were the two who led Apollos to conversion and a missionary commitment.

Aquila and Priscilla are never mentioned in the Bible separately. They are always together as a couple; whether at work or in the church, they complemented each other. In them we observe certain practical qualities: a strong communion with God and dedication to the mission, flexibility, the ability to establish lasting relationships, self-motivation, ability to work as a team, hospitality, wisdom, and responsibility.

Is there anything that should be strengthened, restored, or made new in your marriage? Remember that it is never too late.

The same God who created marriage,
the same One who performed His first miracle
as the wedding in Cana, can and wants to make a difference
in your marriage,
whether current or future.

Remember the words Mary directed to the servants
at the wedding, in relation to Jesus:
“Do everything He tells you.”

God bless you, and may your spiritual ears be opened to hear the soft and gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit…