John 11:25 -KJV-

The Word Says:

“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

Verse Thoughts:

Nothing in the life of a Christian happens without a purpose and every event that takes place, whether good or ill, is used by God for our spiritual growth and eternal benefit. During our sojourn on earth, we are called to mature in the faith and to grow in grace, and God takes all the circumstances of life as an opportunity to develop our trust in Him so that we may discover a little more of His gracious character, His omnipotent power, His omniscient wisdom, His unfailing righteousness, His unapproachable holiness, and His unconditional love.

Martha demonstrated her deep trust in God’s Word, for she had an assurance that her brother would be resurrected in the end times. She had come to believe that Jesus was the promised Messiah Who would save His people from their sins, but she had not yet recognised that she was addressing the incarnate Son of God Who created all things, and Who is before all things. She was yet to discover that Jesus is incarnate God, the One Who holds all things together by His almighty power, the One in Whom is life everlasting.

Martha was standing before the Creator of the universe, but her understanding of the enormity of Christ’s Person and the redemptive work that He was yet to accomplish at Calvary was incomplete, and the death of her dearly beloved brother was the occasion that Christ chose to unveil a little more of His pre-eminence and power.

Although Martha’s faith was small, her faith was in the right Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, and so He was enabled to expand her trust in God. Martha believed that God was faithful to fulfil His promise of a future bodily resurrection, and so Jesus was enabled to reveal more of His character and limitless resources to her as being available today.

Martha only had a limited understanding of God but she had come to trust His Word, and so God was able to work in the circumstances of her life to develop her faith and to deepen her dependence upon the Lord Jesus. And to this grieving woman with her tiny ‘mustard-seed faith’ were spoken those earth-shattering words, “I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies.”

Christ was able to refocus Martha’s faith from a faithful God Who will one day fulfil His future promises to incarnate God Who is always present in the everyday circumstances of our lives. He is not only the God of tomorrow’s promises, but the One Who is with us through all the changing scenes of life.

Martha’s faith was expanded as she learned that she was to look to Jesus every moment of her life, from that day forward, as her ever present help in time of trouble, and not simply to trust God with a future programmed that will one day be accomplished.

Let us never forget that however small our faith may be, God is working in us every day to strengthen our trust in Him so that we may grow in grace and learn to depend on Him, no matter what circumstances we may have to face. His Word stands fast today, and His Word stands fast forever!