Psalms 4:8 (KJV)

The Word Says:

“I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.”

Verse Thoughts:

It is no surprise that David was called a man after God’s own heart, for he recognised that God alone was His righteousness, and that God alone could be depended upon to relieve his distress, provide for his needs, defeat his enemies and enlarge his blessings.

David is grieved at the profane acts and futile vanity of the sons of men who dishonour God and blaspheme His holy name. But, he also rejoices that the Lord has set apart for Himself those that are godly, those who honour His name, obey His Word, and trust in His unfailing faithfulness.

No matter what difficulty he is facing, and despite the depths of despair to which David so often falls, we always find that he confesses his dependence on the Lord and acknowledges the sovereignty of the Lord his God. No wonder that David is remembered as a man after God’s own heart.

David found the secret of true joy and lasting happiness, for his delight was in the Giver and not in His gift. He rejoiced in the One that blessed in preference to counting his blessings. His reward was the Lord Himself, and David’s heart-desire was that the pure light of God’s radiant countenance would fall upon him so that in peace he would both lie down in safety and sleep securely. He was confident of that fact that the Lord encamps around about those that reverence and trust Him. He was confident that the Lord would cause him to dwell in safety.

Do we love the Giver even more that the gracious gifts that He has poured in abundance to us? Do we seek the Lord Himself in preference to the multiplied blessings and precious promises that are ours, by grace through faith in Christ?

Do we unreservedly confess our dependence upon the Lord and unconditionally acknowledge Him to be sovereign in our life? Do we cast all our cares on Him? Do we, like David, lie down in peace and sleep secure in the knowledge that He is in control?